Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rocket Arabic Review - Is it Worth It?

I was looking to trial a number of options to find the best way to learn Arabic, and found the Rocket Arabic Language Course to be the superior course. What is it about this course that puts it ahead of all others as a beginner's course?

I was looking for a good beginner's Arabic learning course that would allow me to "listen, read and speak" a bit of Arabic because I wanted to be able to use it if I was away with work, or on holiday. Rocket Arabic met this requirement, and compared to many other options on the market, its downloadable learning software was one of the best value options on the market.

Rocket Arabic provides the opportunity to listen to a native Arabic speaker, but the real advantage for me is that it uses a gradual immersion style, rather than total immersion style. It introduces each segment largely in English (believe it or not, but not all courses do this!). When the speakers use an Arabic word during the introduction segment, the word has either been previously mentioned in other sections (sometimes you do have to be quite alert to pick up on that), or it is explained as it is used. But don't worry, Rocket Arabic doesn't expect you to learn how to say the word, and remember it after hearing it once. I think one of the strengths of Rocket Arabic is that it is targeted at a beginner's level, and therefore has a relatively slow pace. (Conversely, if you have an intermediate or advanced ability in speaking Arabic, then this course probably isn't going to be the one for you).

This course understands that you will need to listen to the word several times before you become familiar with it. The audio files are obviously easy to rewind if you feel like you need to hear it a few more times as well- which is one of the advantages of any software language course. On the matter of time, one, rather minor drawback, that I have found with the majority of audio and software learning styles, and Rocket Arabic was no exception, is that there is no estimation of how long each lesson will take. Now, I know that this is relatively easy for the user to do- they simply have to click near the end of the audio file. But it would be nice if the time taken for each section of the course was easy to identify.

If you have been looking at learning Arabic you will have noticed that, as with any language, there can be different accents and different words depending on the locality of the language. You have probably noticed the differences between American English, and British English for example. Rocket Arabic teaches Egyptian Arabic which you can consider an advantage (as the Rocket Arabic course explains) as Egypt is the capital of Arab television and movie making. Therefore, Egyptian Arabic is widely understood through out the region. So if you're thinking of holidaying in Egypt, then the Egyptian Arabic taught here will meet the bill.

Rocket Arabic teaches you about everyday dialogue. The conversation is not stilted, or old fashioned, or too formal for you to use it- like some of the text book audio/listening options (you probably remember this style when trying to learn a language at school!). The dialogue tends to use vocabulary that you genuinely want to learn, that will be useful and that will help you to converse fluently and easily in an Arabic speaking country, or with Arabic speakers.

Rocket Arabic's learning course is made up of a number of sections- too many to detail here. But as a brief highlight, rather usefully, the first section (introduced in English), is 'Meeting, Greeting, Food and Drink'. This section develops your knowledge of the language at a rather sensible speed. As the course progresses, a more advanced section taught later in the course is 'Take a Tour'(that might also be useful if you're thinking about a holiday). After each section is introduced in English, the speakers converse in Arabic. As you listen to the conversation in Arabic you can choose whether you read the Arabic script, Arabic in English letters or the English translation.

One item that I particularly like about Rocket Arabic is that as you learn the language, it also teaches you a bit about the culture...these gems are interwoven throughout the lesson but I don't want to say too much here and give them away as I found these some of the interesting bits of the course.

Rocket Arabic teaches you how to speak Arabic using a good range of tools. You will need to be prepared to give it a go, and to try to speak Arabic following prompts from the speakers on the audio files. Rocket Arabic emphasizes the need to practice saying words, phrases and sentences out loud. Briefly, (and rather roughly) describing the overall style of the course, the speakers say the word twice in Arabic, then the English translation. You are prompted to say the word in Arabic, and then the Arabic is repeated by the speakers on the audio file, slowly at first, then the second time a bit faster.

One item that I think could be improved in Rocket Arabic is the way that they use numbers in the "Arabic in English letters". To the beginner, this looks like a typo, which is rather an annoying thought to be faced with in the first lesson having bought the course. But, what I can say is be patient, and it will be explained in subsequent lessons. If you want to know why there are numbers in the "Arabic in English letters" translation of the dialogue it is because it has been deliberately written in this way.

There are some Arabic letters that do not have an equivalent in English. Using numbers in this way in Arabic has actually been used for quite some time, and numbers such as 2, 3, and 7 have been chosen as they resemble the Arabic script. So it is completely acceptable that Rocket Arabic has opted to use this sort of notation- on the basis that it is relatively comment. But I think simply explaining this at an earlier stage in the course would be both helpful and reassuring, and also avoid the learner being distracted by these numbers. So, don't be alarmed to see the odd number scattered into 'Arabic in English letters', before long, you will recognize the sound that the number represents.

Weighing up the various options trailed, if you are looking for a language course to help you learn Arabic, I would recommend Rocket Arabic for its interesting content, learning pace and style offered at a value for money price.

If you're interested in trying a free 6-day trial of the rocket Arabic course then visit [].

Teach me how to speak Arabic online

People who want to learn the language Arabic becomes increasingly popular. A friend said to me the other day, "If someone can teach me How to speak Arabic online, probably try this!" you know what, I checked it with, thanks to do every day. Learn any language that might look intimidating. Well, it doesn't have to be. You can teach you to speak in Arabic , and there are many reasons why.

Arabic language is one of the oldest forms of the ioncatknown to mankind is the largest. Learn about a different culture, way of life and the port. You will learn many things you learn different really. Understanding this culture from the perspective of cultures is as if you started your life. This can be true in any language, that you not only learn the language but you are learning about people.

You can try to learn to speak Arabic in offline mode.

There are many ways in which you can learn to speak Arabic. You can buy something like, teach me How to speak Arabic , or you can find someone that speaks the language of Arabic and ask if they teach you. This can sometimes work, but I found that you people display the language, if not speak correctly can be imitated their flaws or slang the language which defeats the purpose.

You pay hundreds of dollars to the University or college professor for speaking lessons, but in many cases it is not useful and can be very frustrating. You can also try a night school with a class once a week. If you are really trying to learn there is more to this compromise offers. There are other ways as well, private teachers, course work, anything that you can think of. What if you could learn online at your own pace? You can learn when you want to use a program that is designed to give you maximum benefit while teaching.

The benefits of learning online are tremendous.

I'm looking for an online program key item was something can teach me how to speak Arabic which is downloaded, or teach me How to speak Arabic from my computer. Find them and want to share them with you. Learn to speak Arabic on the Internet is easier than you think. Most people learn a language to learn at their own pace, this could be true about most things.

The ability to download a program and use it at your own pace is simply and efficiently. You do not have to feel stressed or ashamed if not pronounce a word correctly. To figure out your time-consuming, this helps your learning ability, as well as understanding. Helps your mind eating essential information to learn also learn where it is peaceful.

Learning the principles of each language can sometimes be frustrating. "Not with these programs Learn How to " speak Arabic has never been so simple. Working with these programs on your computer will help you learn the information, while taking ?????? you through it step by step. These programs reach professionally in a digital format for quick and easy. Can begin to learn the Arabic language immediately.

So the answer to the question is Yes, can learn to speak Arabic online, you can start now. Learn this exciting language today!

Unfortunately we don't have time in this article to review the online courses, but you can find more information about "How can I get someone to teach me How to speak Arabic online" by visiting the Web site to learn how to speak Arabic online

Learning Arabic Online Can Be Fun and Exciting

Learning a new language is like learning to play a musical instrument. IT does not happen overnight. It is a gradual process wherein frustration may creep in easily. However you need to keep your spirits up and keep going. Learning Arabic is not like learning just another language. It is tougher and takes more time to get a complete grasp of the language than as compared to the time required to learn some other language.

The process of learning this language is a new experience altogether and it might take months of reading and learning to read and write the language without mistakes but once you are through with it, you would confront with one of the most rewarding feeling and perhaps you would want to go out their and tell people that you can speak and write Arabic. It is something to be proud of.

There are various techniques to learn the language. First up you need to come to terms with the fact that the language is written from right to left unlike any other language. Then you need to understand the way words are pronounced in Arabic. To learn any language it is important to get the 'feel' of it and it is not different with Arabic. Interacting with the people who speak this language is the best possible way to learn. You may take lessons initially but you need to expose yourself to an Arabic environment where Arabic is the first language. This does not suggest that this is the only way to learn it but is definitely the most effective and that too once you are through with the basics.

In order to start your Arabic learning stint, you can consult some books on the subject or perhaps get hold of a tutor. Books would teach you to learn the Arabic alphabets and the various phrases that are used often while speaking Arabic. A tutor would perhaps help you understand the pronunciation in a better way. However there are audio CDs available with the books that help you learn easily. Similarly there are a number of websites on the internet that help you with pronunciations and spellings or words and phrases associated with the language.

Arabic is one of the oldest languages known to man. The Quran was originally written in Arabic and if you wish to read the Quran and capture its essence to the core, this is perhaps the right language you ought to learn. Similarly various historical and mythological epic collections and ballads have been written in Arabic.

If you are an avid reader of spirituality then perhaps it would do a whole world of good to you if you get your hands on some of the ancient Arabic books. These books are said to define spirituality to the core and reading these books fills one with immense knowledge.

The language presents you with various opportunities to read stuff that you wouldn't have ever read before. Similarly in case you plan to go to the Middle East, you would understand the history of the various places in a better way. Communicating with Arabs would be easy and it would perhaps be a wonderful experience if you know how to speak Arabic.

Visit us today to Download our Free 6 Day Arabic Training Course for Free. Learning Arabic Online made easy with Rocket Arabic.

You Can Speak Volubly In Arabic

You may have observed people speaking in Arabic and the immediate thought that crosses your mind is that they speak volubly. But it is not the nature of the people but it is the power of that language. But you may not know this truth that Arabic is one of the most spoken languages of the world. You may not find it easy to learn speaking Arabic. You should devote sufficient time daily to learn speaking it.

Learning to speak Arabic needs that you should pronounce the words rightly for which you can use an audio or voice software that are available in the market. Learning to pronounce the words from books may not be that effective. But you can learn to read and write Arabic with the help of these books.

These audio or software may not be expensive at all but if you want to engage a tutor for speaking Arabic, you may find it expensive. The first decision you should make is at what level you want to speak. You have software that are available for basic speaking followed by various levels of speaking it. In your enthusiasm, you should not end up choosing the software that teaches you higher level Arabic because unless you learn the basic level of speaking Arabic, you can not learn the higher levels.

During the course of your learning to speak Arabic, you may find that certain sounds are used very frequently in that language. Those sounds should be rightly placed during your speaking the language and you can learn this by listening to these software and also by practicing to use them very often. It is very important because without placing these sounds at the appropriate places with the right pronunciations, you can not speak the language in the right manner.

Once you learn the words, you should use them as often as possible. Practicing repeatedly will only help you to learn speaking Arabic. These voice software can be played and replayed repeatedly to learn the right pronunciation of these words and you should also repeat speaking those words. The benefit of using such software is that you can repeat the lessons as and when you wish and as often as possible.

When you listen to contents over radio or such software online, in the initial stages, you may not understand them fully. But you should continue listening so that the way they pronounce will get imprinted in your mind. Once you perfect your learning, you will know the whole meaning of their speech.

If you can afford, you can buy some better software also though you have free software that teaches you how to speak Arabic. But even while buying them, you should use your prudence to select the best software. You can take the advice of those who have already used such software to learn speaking Arabic.

The power of using both the software and the audio will help you immensely in learning the language. Even when you are traveling, you can listen to the audio or software by copying the contents on a MP3. You also have a large number of audio books that teach you the language.

If you converse frequently with people who know the language, you can learn it faster. But the most important tool that will help you in learning speaking Arabic is PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND PRACTICE ALONE.

Are you ready to learn Speak In Arabic? Visit today and sign up for a "Free 6 Day Course"!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Techniques For Learning Arabic

If you are not a native of an Arabic speaking country and you have learnt the art of reading and writing Arabic then that is perhaps the most rewarding experience you ever had. There are many who try hard and fail because learning Arabic is a big challenge to multilingual speakers. A language that has a completely different history and culture and doesn't even come in the proximity of any other common language is ought to be difficult. If you want to learn Arabic and do not have the slightest of ideas on how to commence your learning then here are few ways to start your journey.

An orthodox way of learning Arabic is to interact with people who are already familiar with it. Studies suggest that if you want to learn a foreign language then listening to people who know the language and living among them to understand the origin of the language is the most effective way to go about your task. Practicing and talking to people who are skillful Arabic speakers can do a world of good to your Arabic speaking skills. By listening to people speak, you will start picking up words from here and there and understand their usage. Unlike other languages, Arabic might not come easy to you and it needs more perseverance and commitment to learn Arabic. Slowly and steadily you will have to create a good base.

If you have relatives or family friends living in Middle Eastern countries like Gulf countries, Egypt, Jordan etc then learning their countries native language might be a useful inventory item. You can fasten up your Arabic language knowledge by taking up numerous campus services that are available. There are many crash courses available that can help you to learn Arabic at a fast rate. Although you might not master the skill of Arabic speaking but you will certainly be accustomed to Arabic language and know the sentences and terminologies that are most often used. Taking up these classes is an intelligent decision if you want to speak Arabic fluently. However if you want to expertise the art of Arabic speaking then you will have to speak the language very often and mingle and talk with people who are good at it. This way you can expand your domain of Arabic vocabulary and their usage.

If you think that learning Arabic is not worth all the money that you will have to spend for the crash courses or other in-campus services then you have the option of large collection of e-books, audio clippings, visuals and software's on the internet that can help you with your Arabic. These online facilities won't cost you more than one tenth of the price of crash courses and are effective also. But be sure that you are not conned by those trash software's and e-books that are worth nothing. Do a bit of research before you start with your online training.

If you are serious about learning Arabic then complacency will not serve your purpose. Hard work and regular practice is required because Arabic is supposedly one of the toughest languages to master.

Learn to Speak and Write Arabic with Rocket Arabic Learning to Write Arabic Free 6 Day Training Courses. Read the Complete Rocket Arabic Review Here.

The best way to learn to speak Arabic

Of course it is the best way to learn to speak Arabic language culture and immerse you speak this language so. This is not possible for most people, so you need to find other ways of learning the language. Key to learning any language is to take the time to practice anywhere, anytime you can. There are many sites online that offer free tutorials and interactive so you can see how the written word in Arabic, sounds of the written word in English and the sound of the words spoken by a native Arabic-speakers.

When you interact with the Arabic-speaking on a daily basis, can pick up the vocabulary and expressions that you need to learn this language. Therefore you must set aside time every day to devote to your lessons, whether you're using software you have installed on your computer, or you participate in an online course. If you have a tutor, you will practice speaking and reading exercises that you completed outside the class room students. It is important to spend time on these exercises to master the language of one and then move to the other.

Before you get a full grasp of the Arabic language, you need to understand the syntax of the language. As in learning English, French or Spanish, when you start learning Arabic, you learn the alphabet, sounds, vowels, consonants, 28 separate 3. Vowels can be long or short. Once you know the alphabet, and then you can learn How to create words and expressions.

To complete the lessons in Arabic, you should try to find ways to speak the language. Definitely make mistakes, but when a man speaking Arabic see you make the effort to learn the language, you will receive a huge amount of support.

Visit of the restaurant to hear people speaking the language to Arabic. You may be surprised to realize can choose words. This does not mean you eavesdropping, but it's hard not to overhear conversations in the restaurant. Try ordering a meal in Arabic, or read the menu language. Even watching TV programs in Arabic will also give additional exposure.

Like to listen to speakers of Arabic , you can collect the pronunciation of words. Listening and speaking must be part of your course to take not only learn to speak Arabic , but understand the language, when someone is talking to you. Using songs and games they are not understated important ways to learn a new language. To listen simple songs and Arabiclanguage. You will be surprised how quickly absorb words in the language.

If you want to learn to speak Arabic you should visit this site will teach you Arabic Arabic pronouns and punctuation, vocabulary and more.

Rocket Arabic! The Newest Rocket Languages Product!

Listen to a Special Audio Message, in Arabic, from the creator of Rocket Arabic Premium, Amira Zaki... Listen To A Very Special Audio Message, in English, from Rocket Arabic Premium Host, Erica Jones...

"Rocket Languages is our Editors' Choice for language-learning." PC MAG

From: Amira Zaki, Creator of Rocket Arabic

???? ? ???? ???? ?? ?????? "?????" ?????? ????? ???????!

Hello and welcome to Rocket Arabic Premium—Your place to learn Arabic online.

Learning Arabic is a great way to enhance your life, and it's never too late to learn. Whether you are traveling to an Arabic-speaking country, have Arabic-speaking family, friends and colleagues, enjoy learning something new, or you're keen to refresh your memory of this beautiful language, then Rocket Arabic Premium is for you.

So are you ready to know the secret to learning Arabic? You're looking right at it. I have put all of my experience and knowledge into this cutting-edge learning system, Rocket Arabic Premium.

Make learning Arabic as easy as possible with my comprehensive learn Arabic course, Rocket Arabic Premium. Take a look at some of the reasons why thousands of Arabic enthusiasts like you recommend Rocket Arabic Premium…

Not only can you learn Arabic anywhere, anytime with a portable, flexible course that suits different learning styles, you will also:

Rocket Arabic Dashboard
Click to view larger imageSpeak and improve your Arabic with every lesson, by taking part in the modern, everyday conversations that make up the popular Rocket Arabic Premium 31-lesson Interactive Audio Course,Speak Arabic naturally by understanding the culture and how the language works, with 31 Language & Culture Lessons that include over 900 embedded audio clips, activities and more, including the amazing new Rocket Record!Build your Arabic vocabulary and improve your audio recognition of common Arabic words and phrases (and have fun at the same time!) with the MegaArabic software games,Know how much your Arabic has improved with the Rocket Arabic interactive quizzes and Rocket Rehearsal self-tests,Boost your Arabic-speaking confidence by getting certified with the Rocket Arabic Certificate Tests!Have all your Arabic language questions answered by the Rocket Arabic teachers, native speakers and fellow Arabic learners in the Rocket Arabic Forum – open 24/7!Make the most of your precious learning time: your course is made up of easy-to-manage sections and user-friendly navigation that guide you on the recommended learning path - and you won't forget which lesson you're up to or where you're headed next because we've included helpful progress tracking.

All of your course materials are available online 24/7 in our Rocket Arabic Premium members' area, so you can learn Arabic at your own pace, in your own time.

More than 20,000 Rocket Arabic learners have LIFETIME membership to the Rocket Arabic Premium course and FREE access to all upgrades and enhancements – you can too!

You won't believe how easy it is to learn Arabic with all this at your fingertips - learn at your own pace, when it suits you, and most importantly, ENJOY yourself. There's absolutely nothing standing in your way of becoming the confident Arabic speaker you want to be!

Order Rocket Arabic Premium Now

For a closer look at the 5 MAJOR COMPONENTS of Rocket Arabic Premium, and more about how it will help you learn Arabic quickly and easily please read on …

You will be speaking and improving your Arabic with every lesson, by taking part in the modern, everyday conversations that make up the popular Rocket Arabic Premium 31-lesson Interactive Audio Course.

Even better, you can learn Arabic anywhere, anytime, by listening to these audio lessons on your computer, your MP3 player, your stereo, in your car, on the train, at the gym… or anywhere you need to be!

The 31 tracks in the Rocket Arabic Premium Interactive Audio Course average 20 minutes in length - that's over 11 hours of audio lessons that you can listen to and practice speaking with as often as you need to feel confident!

Rocket Arabic Interactive Audio Lesson
Click to view larger image

The Rocket Arabic Premium Interactive Audio Course is designed to get you participating in a series of conversations between Arabic speakers, and covers everyday topics that you will encounter in a modern, Arabic-speaking environment.

Each conversation is broken down into easy to manage parts, and you get written transcripts of each conversation, so that you can keep up with the lesson and get comfortable with written Arabic.

Because Egypt is the most popular destination for people learning Arabic as a foreign language, Rocket Arabic uses native Egyptian speakers. Rest assured that even though there are distinct variations in the way Arabic is spoken from region to region, their voices represent a very standard Arabic accent.

To help you follow the lesson and get comfortable with written Arabic, you will get the written conversation in Arabic script, English Arabic, and its English translation with every track of the Interactive Audio Course!

TIP: While the conversation below is a basic Arabic conversation, you may need to listen to the track a few times to "tune your ear" to the Arabic language if you have never heard it spoken before. For beginners I recommend reading the transcript below while listening to the audio to make your Arabic learning time as effective as possible.

Ahlan wa sahlan ya Hany, izzayak?Kuwayyis il 7amdulillah, wa inti?kuwayyisa il 7amdulillah. Shukran.

The conversations you will hear and take part in cover everything that you need to know to become part of an Arabic-speaking community... From introducing yourself to getting help in an emergency and a whole lot more in between... Arabic-speaking people just love it when tourists and travelers speak Arabic to them.

It doesn't get more practical than this! You will cover:

Greeting, Meeting, Food and DrinkTravelIn TownArts and CultureTake a TourFamily and FriendsTaking on the Tradition

You will learn to listen to, speak, and understand modern Arabic. Our modern and unique methods allow you to absorb Arabic quickly and easily! Become the Arabic speaker you've always dreamed of with this super-effective and ever-popular conversational learning tool!

Order Rocket Arabic Premium Now

As hard as you try, without good feedback your Arabic pronunciation is never going to be quite right. If you've found it difficult to perfect the way you say Arabic words and phrases, then we've got just what you need. Rocket Record allows you to record yourself speaking and compare the way you say things with the way a native Arabic speaker does. With our fantastic voice mapping technology you can record and repeat until your voice map matches that of the native host. That's when you know that your pronunciation is spot on!

Rocket Record is the next big thing in language learning!

Click on the blue Rocket Record icon below...

Order Rocket Arabic Premium Now

You will learn to speak Arabic naturally by understanding the culture and how the language works, with 31 Language & Culture Lessons that feature over 900 embedded audio clips, extra vocabulary and step-by-step explanations for reading and writing in Arabic.

If you're serious about learning Arabic, you need to understand it. This is where your Rocket Arabic Language and Culture lessons come in. By taking the time to understand how the Arabic language works, you will speak more naturally and feel confident reading and writing in Arabic!

Rocket Arabic Premium will give you insights into a wide variety of situations you're likely to encounter in an Arabic-speaking country, such as travel tips for Egypt and Cairo, the "Khan" market, beach culture, the Library of Alexandria, Pharaonic culture, Ramadan, historical sites, Bedouin culture, classical and colloquial Arabic, traditional and modern markets, bargaining, greetings, hospitality, punctuality, transport, directions, currency, coffee culture, telecommunications, the medical system, Arabic literature, family, relationships, being the perfect guest, dating, sports and more.

These lessons also break the Arabic language down into easy-to-manage parts, so you can practice each part individually and then put it all together... all up that's over 110 hours of comprehension!

...And it doesn't matter what level you are currently at, Rocket Arabic Premium is packed full of quality step-by-step resources to rapidly advance your learning...

Order Rocket Arabic Premium Now

Have fun learning Arabic and get great satisfaction when you see your score improve each time!

The MegaArabic software-based word games will build your Arabic vocabulary and test your audio recognition of Arabic words.

Accessible online and available to download (PC or Mac), these interactive Arabic word games are a fun and effective way to reinforce your Arabic lessons. They give you active feedback in real time, and can be used at any stage during the course – whether your level is beginner, intermediate or advanced.

MegaArabic is actually two Arabic word games in one: one for Arabic vocabulary and one for audio comprehension. These games are self-paced and can be repeated, giving you a chance to improve your score.

Learn Tons of Arabic Words with "MegaVocab", the Word Building Game!

Leave the school books behind and increase the number of Arabic words you know with this easy-to-use word recall game! MegaVocab has over 1,000 words and 20 topics...

MegaVocab is presented in English Arabic script, which is the standard system of using English letters and numbers to represent the sounds in the Arabic language. However, so that you can get the most out of your Arabic experience, MegaVocab also comes in a version that allows you to play using the characters that make up the classical Arabic writing Abjad.

Improve your Arabic vocabulary with MegaVocab
Click to view larger image

Another feature of MegaVocab is the MegaVocab Creator, which lets you add your own extra words and pictures. You can add hundreds of words and pictures with ease...

Learn to recognize over 1,000 Arabic words in a short space of time. Before long you will be able to turn off the English subtitles on your Arabic films!

The Rocket Arabic MegaAudio game takes MegaVocab a step further and really improves your understanding of spoken Arabic by including audio tracks for each word and phrase. Just select the topic or topics that you would like to be tested on and play!

Improve Your Understanding of Spoken Arabic with MegaAudio
Click to view larger image

How do you know if your Arabic is improving? You have to test yourself.

I know for a lot of folks this part can be tricky if you don't have any native Arabic speakers around to correct you when you get something wrong, so I've made sure Rocket Arabic has lots of interactive quizzes and self-tests along the way. This way you'll know when you've "got it" and when you've got a little more work to do.

The Rocket Arabic Rehearsal gives you the opportunity to test your newly acquired Arabic skills.

You can choose the lessons that you want to be tested on by clicking the check boxes or "select all" for a real challenge. You will be given randomly selected questions from the lessons you chose.

When you are ready, you can get Rocket Certified! When you have successfully completed the Rocket Arabic Certificate Tests we will email your certificate to you.

Rocket Arabic Self Tests
Click to view larger image

Rocket Arabic Certificate
Click to view larger image

This qualification is equivalent to the A1 and A2 levels of the Common European Frame of Reference for Languages.

Order Rocket Arabic Premium Now

In many ways, learning a new language is like learning anything new in life...

You shouldn't be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and you should take the opportunity to share your experiences and enthusiasm with fellow learners.

When you learn Arabic with Rocket Arabic Premium, you will have unlimited 24/7 online access to the Rocket Arabic Learners' Forum, where our team of Arabic teachers, native speakers, and fellow enthusiasts will answer your Arabic language questions.

I will be with you every step of the way - it's just like having your own Arabic teacher, virtually "on call"!

Order Rocket Arabic Premium Now

Private Arabic tuition can cost $30 an hour and upwards. If you went to a Arabic tutor for just two hours per week for three months, you'd already be spending $720! What if you didn't need a real-life Arabic tutor at all? Or how much would you save with a "virtual" one?

Simply stated, Rocket Arabic Premium is the best value language learning program on the market. In a recent survey of our Members we asked; "Do you think Rocket Arabic was good value for money?" and 97% said "YES!"

I guarantee you won't find a comprehensive Arabic language course for less. Let some of the features and numbers speak for themselves...

The full Rocket Arabic Premium package is now available online and via instant download! You can be learning to speak Arabic in 5 minutes! Even if you have never downloaded something from the internet before it comes with instructions, it's so easy!

Zero shipping and handling costs - saving you money,No waiting time - forget having to wait weeks for postal delivery,No risk of products lost in the mail or damaged,You receive instant access to the Rocket Arabic Premium package at a lower price than the SHIPPED 20-CD Pack version because it costs us less to produce… (Note that the Rocket Arabic Premium SHIPPED 20-CD Pack is available for $299.95 with FREE Shipping)

Because I am so sure that Rocket Arabic Premium is exactly what you need to fast-track your learning and improve your Arabic out of sight, I would like to make you this special offer!

We are offering INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the DOWNLOADABLE version at the super-low price of $299.95 $97 $67 which means that you can:

Learn Arabic anywhere, anytime, and at your own paceSpeak and improve your Arabic with every lessonLearn to speak Arabic naturallyBuild your Arabic vocabularyKnow how much your Arabic has improvedHave all your Arabic language questions answeredBoost your Arabic-speaking confidence That's cheaper than a day with a private Arabic tutor. Isn't it worth it to get started learning and improving your Arabic today? YOU can save a whopping 77% off the shipped price of $299.95 RIGHT NOW!

The amazing new Rocket Record is the latest upgrade to Rocket Arabic. This fantastic feature will soon see you speaking Arabic just like a native!

Check out this example...

Here's how it works...

Step 1: Click on the Rocket Record icon and listen to the native host saying the word or phrase. Note that as they speak a voice map is created.Step 2: Click on the red button and record yourself saying the same word or phrase.Step 3: Repeat until you get your voice map to match that of your host...

It's as simple as that. Three easy steps to perfect Arabic pronunciation!

Buy Rocket Arabic Premium
and get an exclusive Rocket Arabic Survival Kit
worth $79.90, FREE with your order!

And it gets better! Get instant online access to Rocket Arabic Premium for 77% OFF the shipped price today and you'll also get a Rocket Arabic Survival Kit worth $79.90, absolutely FREE with your order!

Increasing the number of Arabic words you know is always a fast way to boost your confidence. Even if you don't know a complete sentence in Arabic, knowing a few essential words will help to get your point across.

This tailor-made Survival Kit for new Rocket Arabic members is specially designed to be fun, flexible and easy to use. No boring vocabulary lists or heavy phrasebooks for you!

Your Survival Kit is made up of 10 Rocket Arabic Vocab Sessions with interactive audio that focus on essential Arabic words and phrases and their pronunciation.

You can use them online, download them to your computer, or transfer them to your iPod/mp3 player, so you can use them anywhere, anytime. All together you'll get 2.5 extra hours of top-quality Rocket Arabic interactive audio FREE!

Vocab Session 1: PronunciationVocab Session 2: Days of the weekVocab Session 3: CountriesVocab Session 4: The CityVocab Session 5: FoodVocab Session 6: ClothingVocab Session 7: ColorsVocab Session 8: The BodyVocab Session 9: Numbers (Basic)Vocab Session 10: Numbers (Advanced)

You'll also get the interactive Rocket Arabic MegaCards Game (Beginner and Advanced versions)—a fun, interactive memory game you can play online to test your knowledge of over 300 essential Arabic words and phrases.

At this price I guarantee that my DOWNLOADABLE course is the cheapest FULL learn to speak Arabic package on the market!

Will I put my money where my mouth is? Just check out the Rocket Arabic Premium Guarantee...

60 day money back guarantee

That's right! Take up to 60 days to examine and use the information, tips and techniques in "Rocket Arabic Premium". That's virtually two months to put these valuable strategies to work on your Arabic in your own home.
Try the techniques yourself… Try as many of the tips as you can. Once you have used these strategies on your Arabic, I'm confident that you'll NEVER want to send it back!

But, if it doesn't live up to your expectations, or if you aren't satisfied for any reason, you won't be out at all. Just send it back and I will refund the purchase price. Right up to the final day of this 60 day guarantee.

Amira Signature
by Amira Zaki

P.S. In addition to my 60 day guarantee... Rocket Languages is a Better Business Bureau member, so you know you can order from Rocket Languages with full confidence!

Even if you have never ordered or downloaded anything online before, it is super easy... just follow the instructions here...

Click on the Red Button below to go to the order form and enter your name and email addressGo to our secure payment page (You can pay using major credit cards or PayPal)Get redirected to the Rocket Arabic online member's area, where you have lifetime access to your Rocket Arabic Premium package!
If you choose this option, you will receive the Rocket Arabic Premium Interactive Audio course and MegaArabic Games on CD, and online access to the Rocket Arabic Premium Members Area..

Order Rocket Arabic premium hardcopy course

Security Guaranteed - Shopping with us is safe

Both versions include the SAME Rocket Arabic Premium content, but you have the option to learn in different ways.

24/7 online access to the complete Rocket Arabic Premium course: all your lessons, Rocket Record quizzes, self-tests, progress tracking and the Rocket Arabic Learner's Forum.

You can learn online, anywhere, anytime. For those times you don't want to be online, you can download the Interactive Audio Lessons (MP3 format) and the MegaArabic software games, and all the lessons are print-friendly.

24/7 online access to the complete Rocket Arabic Premium course: all your lessons, quizzes, self-tests, progress tracking and the Rocket Arabic Learner's Forum... PLUS:

The 31 Interactive Audio Lessons on CD, which include transcripts of the conversations in Arabic and English.The 31 Language and Culture Lessons on CD (audio clips available online only)The MegaArabic software games on CD (for PC and Mac).A Read-Me-First PDF to help you get the most out of your Rocket Arabic course.

The 20CD Pack is ideal for anyone who prefers to listen to the Interactive Audio Lessons on their home stereo/car CD player.

Because the audio is uncompressed, the 20CD Pack has superior sound quality compared to the online/download version, although the compressed audio still sounds good!

You can email me anytime, and I'm really looking forward to hearing how much Rocket Arabic Premium has helped you become the Arabic speaker you've always wanted to be!

Yours sincerely,
Amira Signature

Amira Zaki
Rocket Arabic Premium

Rocket Languages
Success Stories


Success Story:
Mark Waddell
Auckland, New Zealand

"I now can quickly get the general understanding of what people are saying... I really didn't think that it would happen so quickly. offers so many ways to learn and it has a great online support. I am very happy that I went with the online option, because I could pick it up and put it down in my own time and not feel as though I was falling behind. Expect to learn quickly and without the stress of failure..."

Success Story:
Dianna Sheets
Washington, U.S.A

“I was pleasantly surprised to find an excellent program which cost way less than the other touted programs.”

Success Story:
Catherine Esteerbrook

“ the end of the conversation or lesson you understand it fully and you feel like you could take part in the conversation yourself...”

Success Story:
Stephanie Miller

“Not only does the style of teaching make sense, but it's easy to follow and it’s actually pretty fun... it's convenient to use, portable, accessible from any PC. I can listen to it in my car, login and listen at work, or at home.”

Success Story:
Patricia Gross
Colorado, U.S.A

“If you have any questions, there is a support group. I have contacted them already with a question and was promptly answered.”

Success Story:
Jim Caldwell

“…makes learning a foreign language fun. Not only that but the program is inexpensive, easy to use and it just makes learning enjoyable.”

Success Story:
Leslie Doucette

“I'm just a beginner, but have learned a tremendous amount in a very short time. The lessons are easy to follow, and I'm having so much fun impressing my friends and relatives with what I have learned so far. Thanks again for making this a fun experience”

Success Story:
Kris Hancock

“I transferred all the lesson files to my MP3 player, plugged an adapter into my car radio and listened everyday on my way to and from school - I was hooked.”

Success Story:
Geja Rijsman

“It's a very, very good course - I can really recommend it, even if your native language is not English”

Success Story:
Shannon Graham
Nebraska, U.S.A

“It only takes a few minutes out of the day, every day. It is so quick that you could use it during the summer to keep up with school...”

Success Story:
Jon McDonald

“The lessons are easy to understand and supporting materials are very good for expanding depth of understanding. I particularly like that I can study from my computer without having to buy CDs. I just logon, find my lesson and within a minute I am busy working away, learning. I am sure you will have the same great learning experience I have had.”

Success Story:
Glen Derick

“…everyone there is amazed at how far I've come in such a short period of time. In the past I have used a couple of programs that never worked. I did try a tutor, but it was much too expensive. Your program has helped me immensely”

Success Story:
Susan Davies

“It's very fun, beneficial and I'm enjoying it very much.. I thank you very much for the creative way you put the project together and its helping me with my new venture immensely.”

Success Story:
Julia Allen

“Having the audio files available for download in mp3 format means that I can download them to my phone, or burn them to a CD to play them in my car, so I can practice anywhere.”

Success Story:
Keith Castleton

“The approach is a very simple and natural way to learn the language. I've been enjoying the course very much...”

Success Story:
Peggy Wang
New York, U.S.A

“You can learn whenever you want, wherever you want and how many times you want to repeat the lessons. The program they offer is so good that only after six sessions I have already built up my confidence…so do not hesitate, start now”

Success Story:
Steven Vrancken

“You can expect three things: a fun, easy and quick way to learn.”

Success Story:
Susan Whittington
Queensland, Australia

“…it takes everybody through the course in very manageable steps; you can self- assess all the way.”

View the original article here